This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 3 months ago by phwillys.

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  • #967

    I had a technical question regarding the ‘All Terrain Reinforced 2 Inch Wide
    Tread’: Item # TD-125-002

    I was wondering if you had any suggestions from your site or from your
    vendors on how to use this tread on a 6-8lb tracked robot without having the
    belt slip. I am worried about having the belt slip on the wheel hubs since
    the inner surface is smooth. I know that the easiest solution would be to
    purchase the superdroid track kit with the cleated wheels, but at this time
    that product is out of my price range.

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi. Lets start by saying making a good set of tracks if very difficult. There are a lot of things to worry about bedsides slipping. Derailment is a much larger issue. Any time you do a privet turn with tracks there is a huge about of side load. uneven terrain, debris, and pivot turns even worse. There is a reason our tracks cost a lot of money…
    We can customize the length of our tracks and provide matched wheels too.

    If you want to take it on yourself. Take a look at our tracks and see what we do. There is no easy way. The tracks have to have timing cleats or holes in them that match the timing of the drive wheel(s). Generally you need side guides too to keep the tracks on the wheels and avoid derailments. There are a lot of robot vendors out there that do not do side guides. There is absolutely no way their tracks stay on in any aggressive terrain or maneuvering. We have gone head to head with them in many demonstrations and have seen it first hand. Our tracks have been through rigorous NIST testing and qualifications. We thought we had a good design until we went to the test and did the step fields. We enhanced our design and when back and tested again with no issues.

    We are now getting our tracks made via a mold, so no splice. The tracks are made to our exact specification and the length can be modified. Obviously, if doing it yourself, this is not a cost effective way of doing it with mold charges, etc. So you can purchase track by the foot here. We also have the splices.

    Internal cleats can be added by just screwing in pieces of plastic or rubber on the other side. It is important to keep the timing consistent. We make a entire jig that holds all the pieces together and keeps the timing. Then you have to make wheels that match the internal cleats. This entire process takes a lot of time! Getting it right the first time is highly unlikely. It can be done and no doubt tracks are cool. Of course if all this scares you, we sell tracked robots that are ready to go. Build one set of tracks yourself and you will understand why our prices are what they are…

    Good luck and let us know if you any questions or post your suggestions or designs.


    I also had the same question about keeping the tracks on. I copied how SuperDroid Robots did their earlier version of the LT tracks and had good luck with it. I used friction drive from lawn mower wheels and screwed cleats on each side of the track to keep it on the wheel. If you get the tension right on the tracks they do not slip either. Let me know if you want pictures and Ill try to dig them up.


    Pictures would be great. Thanks.


    Here is a picture of the type of tracks I made. The total weight of the robot is around 25-30 lbs.

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