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This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 7 months ago by SuperDroid.

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  • #4396
     Daniel Phelps

    Hi all..

    The arduino code references PIN5 as “int strafeSignal5Vpin = 5;” Is this pin provided to provide power to the RC Receiver? I was planning on pulling power from the 5V.. But it seems that this “strafeSignal5Vpin” is referenced as a “// 5V reference for strafe signal”…

    Could someone please clarify? What is this pin’s use?

    I found an error on the Mecanum schematic vs. the Arduino code for RC control. The arduino code has the RC pins as
    // RC mappings — strafe: aileron, drive: elevation, turn: rudder
    int strafePinRC = 13, drivePinRC = 12, turnPinRC = 11;

    The Schematic at https://www.superdroidrobots.com/product_info/Schematics/Schematic_Mecanum_wheel_Sabertooth_encoders.pdf has the pins at:
    11 StrafeRC
    12 DriveRC
    13 TurnRC

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    Hi Daniel

    Are you looking at the GitHub code or code for a specific order? It’s most likely to supply power to the receiver if there is no SDR Arduino Mega shield involved. In this case, we power the Arduino with the 5V output from the Sabertooth and use a digital for the receiver. We have found the voltage regulators coming off the Arduino barrel jack to be unreliable in the long run.

     Daniel Phelps

    I am looking at the git hub code arduino sketch… I have already uploaded the Arduino sketch, and I was cross referencing it with the loose instructions. There are some inconsistencies so I wanted to clarify.

    I am using an Arduino UNO. The schematic has both sabertooths wired into the Arduino. I’m assuming that only is necessary? Also, the kit came with a 24 to 12 V regulator that I assumed it was for powering the Arduino. It doesn’t look like it needs to be used in this case if we are taking power off of the sabertooths and 5v arduino pin for the receiver.


    The code use a arduino pin to power the rc receiver, but that is not necessary for the updated schematic. The 12V regulator us often to power relays, and if you use a different type of motor controller.

     Daniel Phelps

    Awesome.. I figured as much. I have a 9v and 12v adapter to power my other peripherals. The Arduino code is pretty simple.. I wish that it included code for the encoders. Having each wheel turn EXACTLY in sync would be great. It’s not autonomy, but would provide a nice level of accuracy and avoid drift and turn when strafing or crabbing (using this platform for video).

     Daniel Phelps

    What are the advantages of using the 5v Arduino Pin to connect power from the Sabertooths over the VIN pin… It seems that Arduino does not recommend this 5V connection method…


    We had tons of problems with the arduino regulator, since we decided to do it this way we haven’t had problems.

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