This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 9 months ago by orus725.

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  • #1034

    I want to use Sabertooth Dual 5A Motor Driver in my project. RC controller is used to control motors. Do “Sabertooth Dual 5A Motor Driver” control DC Geared motors of 12V with the help of Hitec Radio Controller. I want to move the base of my robot with my Radio controller in forward and backward direction and rotate, i.e. turn left or right, the robot(i.e motor one in forward direction and motor two in the opposite direction)? Kindly I want answer as soon as possible so that I can place my order.
    The base of my robot is like the one as given in attached picture.

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    The Sabertooth Dual 5A motor driver is capable of accepting an RC input to move your base. The motor driver itself is rated for up to 18V, so your 12V source will work fine. The Sabertooth can accept two RC signals to control each channel in a mixed mode (like a tank) or independently.

    For communication, HiTec and Spektrum controllers output the same RC signal so either will work for your application. For more information on RC, please see our support page linked below.

    Sabertooth Dual 5A Motor Driver Product Page
    RC Support Page


    Kindly tell me whether 12 V is available at M1 and M2. And importantly Are DC Geared Motors controlled using Sabertooth dual 5A Motor Driver ?

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