This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by aboufath.

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  • #3471

    I have a 4WD ATR with Sabertooth Dual 32A Motor Driver, Kangaroo and four IG52 motors with encoder, and 24V 3A power lab, I control the robot with PC serial port.
    I have difficulty in applying the “Teach Tune Mode” on all four motors at once.
    How to apply the “Teach Tune Mode” on all four engines at the same time?

    In power off, the four wheels are easy to turn them manually by hand, and in power on, there are two wheels on the same side, which are connected to M2, are harder to turn by hand, then wheels of the other side are easier to rotate.
    Why the wheels on one side are harder than the other side?


    Attached both, DEScribe config files for Kangaroo and Sabertooth used.


    Make sure there are only two total encoders for your whole system with no mechanical binds. Also, make sure the motors (right side and left side) are wired in parallel on each side to their respective controller port. It would probably be beneficial to search through the Dimension Engineering site for more information about the Kangaroo setup.


    Exactly, I have two coders, and I received robot complete assembly by superdroidrobots.
    I always difficult to manually turn the wheel right side (M2), the left side is easy to turn (M1).

    I removed the Kangaroo card, and I put the M2 freewheeling output via the serial commande “Q2: 1”, and then, the right side is easy to turn (M2).

    I return the Kangaroo card to its place, Turn on the robot, and I run the Teach Tune mode on M2, and there, I the right side wheels (M2) very hard to turn, I can not perform the Tune Mode.

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