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This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 12 months ago by Daniel Phelps.

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  • #2132
     Daniel Phelps

    We are building a 4WD tank with WiFi Control. The WiFi software that was included in the package is not opening. We have installed all of the (3) required .NET and DirectX Packages. Unfortunately the software crashes upon startup.

    Has anyone else had this problem with the WiFi Packages?

    We have installed it on several machines and OS’s. We have also tried running it in different “compatibility modes” (XP, Vista, Win8, etc.) The most recent attempt was running the software on a clean install of Windows 7. It still crashes. This is the log that it generates.

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
    Problem Signature 01: WifiATR.exe
    Problem Signature 02:
    Problem Signature 03: 52950d5a
    Problem Signature 04: WifiATR
    Problem Signature 05:
    Problem Signature 06: 52950d5a
    Problem Signature 07: 11
    Problem Signature 08: e0
    Problem Signature 09: System.InvalidOperationException
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: be45
    Additional Information 2: be45a652645043f340538401c37d87b7
    Additional Information 3: 67a8
    Additional Information 4: 67a8a6d91532edf7fdec62184d221960


    This issue was resolved over email. One of the .NET dependencies was not installed.

     Daniel Phelps

    Thanks for your help Jason. You are the best.

    To be more specific, only downloading the suggested SlimDX Runtime is not enough to get the proper files needed for WiFi ATR to work. The SlimDX SDK needs to be installed to get the proper dependencies in order.

    SlimDX can be found here: http://slimdx.org/download.php
    SlimDX SDK here: http://code.google.com/p/slimdx/downloads/detail?name=SlimDX%20SDK%20%28January%202012%29.msi

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