This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 7 months ago by Francesco.

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  • #7033

    Dear All,
    I’m very newby of SuperDroid Robots… in my reaserch lab we recently purchased a TP-600-165 robots… I installed the SlimDX runtime and WiFiATR correctly… when I click on the WiFiATR icon it seems to start but immediatly crash and the program never run… I’m usng windows 10… any ideas on how to resolve this issue?

    Thanks a lot.


    Which version of the SlimDX Runtime did you install? If you’re using a 64-bit computer you need to use the x64 installer or the WifiATR program will crash. Alternatively, if the x64 installer didn’t work then uninstall it and try the x86.


    Thanks a lot for your reply… i fixed it following the links suggested in an old discussion (…

    “To be more specific, only downloading the suggested SlimDX Runtime is not enough to get the proper files needed for WiFi ATR to work. The SlimDX SDK needs to be installed to get the proper dependencies in order.

    SlimDX can be found here:
    SlimDX SDK here:”

    Thanks a lot.


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