This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by beech.

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  • #3473

    I’m trying to wire a pot in line with my joystick for a max forward speed control. I’m using an Aruino Uno and Xbee with Sabertooth 25. The issues I’m running into is it seems to be kicking more power to the right side along with when I dial down the speed the zero turn ability is affected the lower the speed. Any help would be gladly appreciated.


    Okay so hopefully I’m understanding your question correctly. It sounds like you are getting incorrect readings from your pot when connected to your power rail? If this is the case, measure the resistance of each side of your pot with respect to the center terminal while moving the joystick. If the values don’t add up, you either have a bad pot or the joystick isn’t rotating it properly. If the values do add up, check your Arduino code to make sure the input isn’t being corrupted. Please let me know if I misunderstood your question.


    Nope you understood me, the values check out on the pot. I don’t see anything n the code . I’ll try a few more things if they don’t work I’ll return with pics or drawings.


    Thanks for the idea Jason. My setup is a little different but I was using my laptop every time i needed to change the speed of my turn. I put a potentionmeter on the receiver side and so far it is working.

    turn=(potPercentage /100.0) * turn;

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