Everyone at SuperDroid is getting the LT2-F ready for New York City.

feel free to call us +919.557.9162 sdr@sdrobots.com
UPDATE 04/14/2021 : We’ve added a FAQ & Support page on our main support wiki. Visit https://wiki.sdrobots.com/index.php/GPK-32 for more...
The Pitch! We have been building robots for a very long time and from every once in a while...
It’s been a busy year here at the SuperDroid Robots office and it’s hard to believe 2021 is almost...
SGT-32 Home Inspection Robot Testimonial William Butner of North Carolina owns a home built around 1870. Mr. Butner hired...
We just created these HD2 robots with 5-Axis Arms. An LT with 4-axis arm is also shown in the...
Going the extra mile to bring our robots to your organization SDR makes some of the hardest working, most...
Our brand new toy Here at SuperDroid Robots, we are always trying to find new ways to create amazing...
We have just completed our design of our BAT24. It uses a pair of wheel chair motors and a...
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