beech replied to the topic Wiring a potentiometer in line with joystick in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for the idea Jason. My setup is a little different but I was using my laptop every time i needed to change the speed of my turn. I put a potentionmeter on the receiver side and so far it is working.
turn=(potPercentage /100.0) * turn;
beech replied to the topic 2-Axis Joystick With Sabertooth in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 9 months ago
thank you, that seems to work but wanted to make sure i’m not interfering with your inputBuffer and reduction from 255.
if (inputBuffer == 'S' && inputBuffer == 'D' && inputBuffer == 'R' && inputBuffer==(inputBuffer+inputBuffer)>>1)
[Read more]
drive=-(inputBuffer-127); //Normalize values once the header and checksum have passed…beech replied to the topic 2-Axis Joystick With Sabertooth in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 9 months ago
thank you, that seems to work but wanted to make sure i’m not interfering with your inputBuffer and reduction from 255.
if (inputBuffer == 'S' && inputBuffer == 'D' && inputBuffer == 'R' && inputBuffer==(inputBuffer+inputBuffer)>>1)
[Read more]
drive=-(inputBuffer-127); //Normalize values once the header and checksum have passed…beech replied to the topic 2-Axis Joystick With Sabertooth in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 9 months ago
thank you, that seems to work but wanted to make sure i’m not interfering with your inputBuffer and reduction from 255.
if (inputBuffer == 'S' && inputBuffer == 'D' && inputBuffer == 'R' && inputBuffer==(inputBuffer+inputBuffer)>>1)
[Read more]
drive=-(inputBuffer-127); //Normalize values once the header and checksum have passed…beech replied to the topic 2-Axis Joystick With Sabertooth in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 9 months ago
thank you, that seems to work but wanted to make sure i’m not interfering with your inputBuffer and reduction from 255.
if (inputBuffer == 'S' && inputBuffer == 'D' && inputBuffer == 'R' && inputBuffer==(inputBuffer+inputBuffer)>>1)
[Read more]
drive=-(inputBuffer-127); //Normalize values once the header and checksum have passed…beech replied to the topic 2-Axis Joystick With Sabertooth in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 9 months ago
thank you, that seems to work but wanted to make sure i’m not interfering with your inputBuffer and reduction from 255.
` if (inputBuffer == ‘S’ && inputBuffer == ‘D’ && inputBuffer == ‘R’ && inputBuffer==(inputBuffer+inputBuffer)>>1)
drive=-(inputBuffer-127); //Normalize values once the header and checksum have passed
turn=inputBuff…[Read more]beech replied to the topic 2-Axis Joystick With Sabertooth in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 9 months ago
Thank you for your reply, very helpful.
Back to the Xbee Joystick, can I change the sensitivity of turn? Drive is fine, but turn which is on “analogRead(A0)” is overly aggressive for my project. Again, this is my first time with arduino so maybe i’m just missing obvious settings in the joystick’s .ino file
Thanks again,
beech started the topic 2-Axis Joystick With Sabertooth in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 10 months ago
I have your xbee analog joystick hooked up to a sabertooth 25 and it works perfect. However, i’m now trying to simplify by eliminating the wireless xbee and run a joystick straight from 1 arduino to a sabertooth MC. I was smart enough to order another joystick and MC from you, but that is where my brilliance ends. My arduino knowledge is so…[Read more]
beech became a registered member 8 years, 11 months ago