Warren Dean replied to the topic Battery Voltage in the forum Electrical & Controls 9 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for the direction. I tried the non-operating motors on the M1 terminal and they both ran fine, so the motors are good.
I called Dimension Engineering and spoke to Charlotte. She came to the same conclusion as you that the controller is toast. She sent am RMA for me to send back the controller and they will diagnose the problem and either…[Read more]
Warren Dean replied to the topic Battery Voltage in the forum Electrical & Controls 9 years, 4 months ago
I appreciate your help. The controller I have installed is the 2×25 and was upgraded on the advice of the sales guy I talked to when I placed the order. The damage from the capacitors may be the issue, but the machine ran perfectly after removing them and only stopped working correctly after I charged it.
I understand these things aren’t an…[Read more]
Warren Dean replied to the topic Battery Voltage in the forum Electrical & Controls 9 years, 4 months ago
OK. I disconnected the RC receiver and the affected motors (Same side). No change. The red error LED is still flashing. Checked voltage at terminals strip for each side and the affected side gets 0 volts and the good side gets 21.4. Either the controller has gone belly up or the high battery voltage is not allowing it to operate normally.
I am…[Read more]
Warren Dean started the topic Battery Voltage in the forum Electrical & Controls 9 years, 4 months ago
So…I got my ATR going yesterday and spent an hour or so running it through its paces. Very impressed. When I got done, I put it on the charger until the green light came on. So far, so good.
When I started up the robot, the red error LED was flashing and I only had one channel operational. I checked battery voltage and it is 27.4 V in a 24 volt…[Read more]
Warren Dean replied to the topic Ferrite beads getting extremely hot in the forum Electrical & Controls 9 years, 4 months ago
Spot on. That took care of it. I watched the video and it made it look like it was a necessary part of the wire-up. Thanks for the help. :)
Warren Dean started the topic Ferrite beads getting extremely hot in the forum Electrical & Controls 9 years, 4 months ago
I built an ATR kit with 42mm motors. All is wired as instructed and the robot will run properly but only until the ferrites get hot and then the 2×25 Sabertooth controller errors out. Can anyone tell me why the ferrites would be hot enough to blister your finger after only running for 30 seconds or so? I am suspecting the capacitors across the…[Read more]
Warren Dean became a registered member 9 years, 4 months ago