OttawaMaker replied to the topic Jumpy performance using XBee in the forum General Robot Discussion Topics 8 years, 7 months ago
I resized my image and added it to this post.
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Jumpy performance using XBee in the forum General Robot Discussion Topics 8 years, 7 months ago
Thank you for the quick reply. I attached a photo of my robot. It shows the two 12V batteries feeding the Sabetooth controller. From there, 24V is fed to the regulator and the regulator output is fed to Arduino. I added a voltmeter to show the battery voltage. The lines from the motors are shielded and trimmed as close as possible to the…[Read more]
OttawaMaker started the topic Jumpy performance using XBee in the forum General Robot Discussion Topics 8 years, 7 months ago
I have a basic kit consisting of a TP-132-042 (4WD All Terrain Robot Platform – IG42 SB) and TE-900-004 (Programmable xBee Control Interface Package). So far, I am using the Arduino/Xbee package as received. I’ve made no modifications or additions to the code. The issue I keep having is that sometimes the performance is smooth and other times the…[Read more]
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Sabertooth error light keeps turning on. Bad performance in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 8 months ago
I spent the evening working on the robot. Here is what I did. I attached a couple of pictures.
– I removed all 12 capacitors from the 4 motors
– I cleaned up the wiring to each motor so that it is shielded up to the connections
– I removed the ground line from 0V on the 4 pin header, leaving only the line from Digital 3 to S1 (0V is internally…[Read more]OttawaMaker started the topic Sabertooth error light keeps turning on. Bad performance in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 8 months ago
I have assembled my robot and now am trying to figure out why performance is poor. My setup consists of the
TE-091-225 Sabertooth Dual 25A Motor Driver
TE-900-004 Programmable xBee Control Interface Package
TE-090-ADJ Adjustable Switching Regulator Board KitI control the robot using the Arduino/XBee remote. I am experiencing at times good…[Read more]
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Connector for battery charger in the forum Product Questions 8 years, 8 months ago
Here are the rest of the images for assembling an Anderson connector. Picture 5 is the key. You must orientate the parts as I have shown. Insert the metal part into the connector until you hear a click sound. If it doesn’t work at first, try again. The parts must be aligned correctly. Try not to get too much solder on the outside of the metal…[Read more]
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Connector for battery charger in the forum Product Questions 8 years, 8 months ago
Here are the rest of the images for assembling an Anderson connector. Picture 5 is the key. You must orientate the parts as I have shown. Insert the metal part into the connector until you hear a click sound. If it doesn’t work at first, try again. The parts must be aligned correctly. Try not to get too much solder on the outside of the metal…[Read more]
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Connector for battery charger in the forum Product Questions 8 years, 8 months ago
Here are the rest of the images for assembling an Anderson connector.
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Connector for battery charger in the forum Product Questions 8 years, 8 months ago
I had never used Anderson connectors, so I was a bit confused as to how they work. With a little research, I figured them out and I thought it would be beneficial to others if I made a quick series of pictures. I numbered the pictures in order to make the process easier to follow. Since I can only add 4 files per post, I’ll continue in a new post.
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Connector for battery charger in the forum Product Questions 8 years, 8 months ago
Yes, the Anderson connectors are meant to give us a way to disconnect the batteries from the circuit and then to the battery charger and vice versa. The trick will be figuring out exactly how to assemble them. I’ve never used these connectors before. There is a lot of help online for this.
My package included the TE-090-ADJ (Adjustable Switching…[Read more]
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Connector for battery charger in the forum Product Questions 8 years, 8 months ago
Hi Paul,
I have the same scooter charger with the XLR connector. I searched eBay for XLR Connector and found lots of mating connectors. I’m not sure why these are three pin connectors. I haven’t measured the output yet to see what pins to use. I suspect that one pin is connected to the shielding. Overall, we need to figure out the best way to…[Read more]
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Question about controllers in the forum General Robot Discussion Topics 8 years, 9 months ago
My application is for the robot to move in a straight line for 20 feet or so, stop and then back up the same distance. I do not need it to turn and if I replace two of the wheels with castors, I’m not sure if it will back up because the castors will first have to rotate to go the other way.
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Question about controllers in the forum General Robot Discussion Topics 8 years, 9 months ago
One more question. Can I turn TP-132-042 from a 4WD to 2WD system? I want one set of wheels to be on bearing mounts on a regular axle with no motors. For the powered axle, I will use the 78 RPM motors with encoders.
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Question about controllers in the forum General Robot Discussion Topics 8 years, 9 months ago
I checked your GIT site and I believe I found the code under XBee-ATR. I examined the code for the remote and I believe that I can throttle the max speed by changing the following lines of code.
// The switch is towards the joystick (full speed)
tempFB = map(FB, 0, 1024, -126, 126);
tempLR = map(LR, 0, 1024, -126, 126);I believe that all…[Read more]
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Question about controllers in the forum General Robot Discussion Topics 8 years, 9 months ago
The Arduino/Xbee page mentions that you also provide the custom source code. By this do you mean the program source code running on the two Arduinos? I can envision having to add external switches or IR/laser beams to act as limit switches so that the robot knows when I want it to stop. Will I have the ability to change the source code to add…[Read more]
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Question about controllers in the forum General Robot Discussion Topics 8 years, 9 months ago
OK thanks. Ideally if you could provide me with a quote for the parts I need with the options listed, I can get it ordered. I have to have a purchaser in another city do the ordering for me. If that is not easy to do, then I’ll have to provide this person with detialed instructions on what exactly to buy, down to each option.
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Question about controllers in the forum General Robot Discussion Topics 8 years, 9 months ago
In my solution, I am worried about having the Arduino output go to two inputs on the Sabertooth. Your Xbee solution looks good, but it is very expensive, so I need to know if it will do what I need. Please comment. Here is my application. I want the robot to carry a load up to 50 lbs and move in a straight line at speeds from 0.1 – 0.3 m/s. That’s…[Read more]
OttawaMaker replied to the topic Question about controllers in the forum General Robot Discussion Topics 8 years, 9 months ago
I am building a robot for work and my boss wants to play with the remote control. :)
As for controlling the robot the way I need to, I want to move it along at a speed of between 0.1 – 0.3 meters/second. I thought that I would add an on-board Arduino UNO and use a pot to dial the speed I want with a LCD display to show the speed. I will…[Read more]
OttawaMaker started the topic Question about controllers in the forum General Robot Discussion Topics 8 years, 9 months ago
I am looking to buy the TP-132-042 (4WD All Terrain Robot Platform – IG42 SB) robot. I plan to use an Adduino to supply the PWM signal to make the motors turn at the speed range I want. Since I will load it up with a heavy load, I am going to use the Sabertooth Dual 25A Motor Driver. My question is can I still control the robot using the basic…[Read more]
OttawaMaker became a registered member 8 years, 9 months ago