Tyagi replied to the topic Garmin GPS 18X 5Hz to Jetson Tx2 Connection in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for the clarification. Do you recommend something like https://www.superdroidrobots.com/shop/item.aspx/db15-male-solder-cup-connector/1914/ to solder the gps wires to the female rs232 connector?
So there is no way to convert the rs232 signals to work with a USB input? I am having difficulty detecting, sending or receiving signals to…[Read more]
Tyagi replied to the topic Garmin GPS 18X 5Hz to Jetson Tx2 Connection in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for the clarification. So would something like this work? https://www.amazon.com/Qunqi-CP2102-Module-Download-Converter/dp/B014PBYER4
or this one from SDR https://www.superdroidrobots.com/shop/item.aspx/usb-to-ttl-serial-cable-ftdi-3-3v-ttl/1232/? They are both very similar.Tyagi
Tyagi replied to the topic Garmin GPS 18X 5Hz to Jetson Tx2 Connection in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for getting back. So can I hook up the wires accordingly to my Jetson straight up or do I need a converter? Since the Jetson has a 5V pin on the J21 expansion port. I looked up the data sheet for the wire connections and it seems pretty straight forward. I just want to know if I can directly interface or need an adapter?
Thanks a…[Read more]
Tyagi started the topic Garmin GPS 18X 5Hz to Jetson Tx2 Connection in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 8 months ago
Hello again,
Thanks for helping me out with the Motor Controller problem. I got it working well using the usb.
Now I am working on getting the Garmin GPS 18x 5 Hz connected to the Jetson. Do I need an RS232 to tty adapter for this one as well? Do I connect the input Voltage to 5V from J21 expansion? or the 3.3V connector? of the J17 expansion on…[Read more]
Tyagi replied to the topic Connecting Jetson TX2 to MDC2460 in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for clarifying that. It makes sense!
I just got of the phone with Roboteq as well. Since the Jetson port is a ttl they told me that an off the shelf solution would be to get a breakout board: https://www.roboteq.com/index.php/roboteq-products-and-services/roboteq-accessories/339/26/cables-accessories/bob15-detail and connect it to the…[Read more]
Tyagi replied to the topic Connecting Jetson TX2 to MDC2460 in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for getting back. I am leaning towards using the USB as well. I read in a few forums to not use USB for actual runs so i am trying the rs232 route.
What do you mean by conversion? is it to step down the voltage from 5 to 3.3v or changing the input signals to include cts/rts?
If I do add the rs232-ttl adapter then will I need to…[Read more]
Tyagi started the topic Connecting Jetson TX2 to MDC2460 in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 8 months ago
I am trying to connect my Jetson TX2 to Roboteq MDC 2460 using my rs232 connection. I was able to make the connection work through the usb b port and the roboteq linux api. I am not able to connect and control it using the uart control as it is not detecting it. I used the Jetson’s J17 serial connection and connected the rx,tx, and gnd…[Read more]
Tyagi became a registered member 5 years, 8 months ago