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This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Dave.

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  • #7422

    This may be asked previously, but that data seem pretty old.

    What is the best controller to run 4 jazzy motors; whether in mixed or seperate mode.


    Hi Dave,
    We have a few different options for motor controllers, and it really just depends how you are controlling it, and what you want to do with the motor controller.
    The Sabertooth 2×60 motor controller is a good option if you want to control it with RC, or a simple serial connection.

    The Roboteq MDC2460 is another really good controller that can take RC input, or Serial. The benefit to the Roboteq is that you have a lot more options and parameters to play around with and can easily hook up encoders and set up speed control, or distance control.

    Depending on the load, you should be able to get away with one motor controller, but if the load will be higher, I would split the motors between two motor controllers to handle the extra load.


    Thank you very much. Any chance you have a wiring diagram for 2 controllers for RC input?


    Here is a rough diagram for RC input to two motor controllers. I would hook up the front motors to one of the motor controllers, and the rear motors to the other motor controller.

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    Ha, i guessed right :). Thank you !

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