aaqil started the topic IG42 motor encoder ppr in the forum Electrical & Controls 10 years ago
I purchased the TD-044-122 (IG42) motor with encoder. The encoder datasheet looks confusing.1. I want to know what “Pulses/Rev” value do I put in Roborun+ in the encoder setup?
2. The rated speed of the gearmotor is 122 RPM and with gear ratio of 1:49, the encoder should be reporting a MAX speed of 122×49 = 5978RPM. How do I setup roborun…[Read more]
aaqil started the topic IG42 motor encoder ppr in the forum Electrical & Controls 10 years ago
I purchased the TD-044-122 (IG42) motor with encoder. The encoder datasheet looks confusing.1. I want to know what “Pulses/Rev” value do I put in Roborun+ in the encoder setup?
2. The rated speed of the gearmotor is 122 RPM and with gear ratio of 1:49, the encoder should be reporting a MAX speed of 122×49 = 5978RPM. How do I setup…[Read more]
aaqil became a registered member 10 years ago