Aleksander replied to the topic Help with RC controlled mecanum robot in the forum Electrical & Controls 3 years, 9 months ago
Thank you so much! I have to try to hook it up and see if I can get it up and running.
Aleksander replied to the topic Help with RC controlled mecanum robot in the forum Electrical & Controls 3 years, 9 months ago
I am a little bit confused regarding how I should hook the Sabertooth controllers to the Arduino, when I look at this code:
How does the PWM pin defined in the code correspond with the outputs on the Sabertooth? As I see there is defined one PWM for each…[Read more]
Aleksander replied to the topic Help with RC controlled mecanum robot in the forum Electrical & Controls 3 years, 9 months ago
Thank you. It seems like I get the motor to run by just applying a 3s LiPo battery. Will try to use the Sabertooths. It would be fun to implement the servo drivers and make the robot programable, but righ now I have not time for that. I am doing a school project, and I am about to finsih it very soon. (this is outside my field of studt, and what I…[Read more]
Aleksander replied to the topic Help with RC controlled mecanum robot in the forum Electrical & Controls 3 years, 9 months ago
Thank you for your answer.
I was not fully aware of the difference of servo motor and DC-motor, but I see now that I should have ordered plain DC-motors.
When I was looking at your robots it seemed like that you were using Sabertooth 2×12.
The problem right now is that I have ordered the Sabertooths, and do not have much time left, so I can…[Read more]
Aleksander started the topic Help with building RC controlled mecanum wheel robot in the forum Electrical & Controls 3 years, 9 months ago
Hello! I am new here.
I plan to build a RC controlled mecanum wheel robot. I do not have much experience with coding, but my intention is to use the SDRobots Github code found here:
First I need to ensure I have the right part list.
I have four geared…[Read more]
Aleksander started the topic Help with RC controlled mecanum robot in the forum Electrical & Controls 3 years, 9 months ago
I am about to build a mecanum robot. I have decided that I am initially is only going to drive it with a RC-controller.
I intend to use an Arduino and Sabertooth motor controller to control it. I will try to use this ( as a basis.
First, I need to ensure that I have…[Read more]Aleksander became a registered member 3 years, 10 months ago