bdeuell replied to the topic Motor control for 4 pole brushed motors in the forum Product Questions 9 years, 12 months ago
Please correct me if I am wrong but i believe the number of poles in a motor refers to the stator windings or magnets as opposed to the number of wires. i.e. a 4 pole PMDC motor would have 2 sets of magnets and a corresponding 2 sets of brushes. The brushes would likely be wired together internally such that there would be only two wires to…[Read more]
bdeuell replied to the topic Encoder Support and Buying Guide in the forum Electrical & Controls 10 years ago
@ superdroid, my apologies i apparently missed that the first time i read through your post.
bdeuell replied to the topic Encoder Support and Buying Guide in the forum Electrical & Controls 10 years ago
it is also possible to register the falling and rising edges of both the A and B channel signals. this would allow you to get 4 registrations per each count of the encoder, i.e. a 10 PPR encoder could give you 40 registrations per revolution.
bdeuell became a registered member 10 years ago