Daniel Phelps replied to the topic Spektrum Setup for RC Override in the forum Electrical & Controls 7 years, 6 months ago
I’m assuming I would have to map OVERRIDE_PIN A15 (& the corresponding RX pin) TO THE “FLAPS/GYRO” switch?
Daniel Phelps replied to the topic Spektrum Setup for RC Override in the forum Electrical & Controls 7 years, 6 months ago
Yes.. It drives in both modes..
Pin codes:
// Hardware Pin Definitions
// ****************************************************
#define RC_SIGNAL_PIN A14
#define RC_DRIVE_PIN A12
#define RC_TURN_PIN A13#define PAN_SERVO_PIN 6 // Camera Servo Connections
#define TILT_SERVO_PIN 7Daniel Phelps replied to the topic Spektrum Setup for RC Override in the forum Electrical & Controls 7 years, 6 months ago
Daniel Phelps started the topic Spektrum Setup for RC Override in the forum Electrical & Controls 7 years, 6 months ago
I have an HD2 Treaded ATR with programmable Wi-Fi package… it also has the RC RC override. Recently our Spektrum was reset and we lost the “Mode 1” operation for a set of actuators. “Mode 0” was set to drive, while “mode 1” was set to operate a set of actuators on the bot…
My question is.. I still have “mode 0” to drive.. but since the…[Read more]
Daniel Phelps replied to the topic Mecanum Wheel Arduino code in the forum Electrical & Controls 7 years, 7 months ago
What are the advantages of using the 5v Arduino Pin to connect power from the Sabertooths over the VIN pin… It seems that Arduino does not recommend this 5V connection method…
Daniel Phelps replied to the topic Mecanum Wheel Arduino code in the forum Electrical & Controls 7 years, 7 months ago
Awesome.. I figured as much. I have a 9v and 12v adapter to power my other peripherals. The Arduino code is pretty simple.. I wish that it included code for the encoders. Having each wheel turn EXACTLY in sync would be great. It’s not autonomy, but would provide a nice level of accuracy and avoid drift and turn when strafing or crabbing (using…[Read more]
Daniel Phelps replied to the topic Mecanum Wheel Arduino code in the forum Electrical & Controls 7 years, 7 months ago
I am looking at the git hub code arduino sketch… I have already uploaded the Arduino sketch, and I was cross referencing it with the loose instructions. There are some inconsistencies so I wanted to clarify.
I am using an Arduino UNO. The schematic has both sabertooths wired into the Arduino. I’m assuming that only is necessary? Also, the k…[Read more]
Daniel Phelps started the topic Mecanum Wheel Arduino code in the forum Electrical & Controls 7 years, 7 months ago
Hi all..
The arduino code references PIN5 as “int strafeSignal5Vpin = 5;” Is this pin provided to provide power to the RC Receiver? I was planning on pulling power from the 5V.. But it seems that this “strafeSignal5Vpin” is referenced as a “// 5V reference for strafe signal”…
Could someone please clarify? What is this pin’s…[Read more]
Daniel Phelps replied to the topic Doubling Motor Controller Channels? in the forum Electrical & Controls 9 years, 11 months ago
This is a great clarification. However, If we wanted to attach two 12v linear actuators to a single controller, would that be possible. We would like these two actuators to act as one and move in unison without controlling each seperately.
Daniel Phelps replied to the topic WiFi ATR Software Crashing on Boot in the forum Electrical & Controls 9 years, 12 months ago
Thanks for your help Jason. You are the best.
To be more specific, only downloading the suggested SlimDX Runtime is not enough to get the proper files needed for WiFi ATR to work. The SlimDX SDK needs to be installed to get the proper dependencies in order.
SlimDX can be found here: http://slimdx.org/download.php
SlimDX SDK here:…[Read more]Daniel Phelps started the topic WiFi ATR Software Crashing on Boot in the forum Electrical & Controls 9 years, 12 months ago
We are building a 4WD tank with WiFi Control. The WiFi software that was included in the package is not opening. We have installed all of the (3) required .NET and DirectX Packages. Unfortunately the software crashes upon startup.
Has anyone else had this problem with the WiFi Packages?
We have installed it on several machines and OS’s. We h…[Read more]
Daniel Phelps became a registered member 9 years, 12 months ago