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  • #7056

    Thanks a lot for your reply!!

    My order number is 54229… btw I’m working with a “Programmable WiFi Mobile 4WD Robot Development Platform – IG32 DM” (TP-600-165) equipped with a MaxSonar EZ1 Ultrasonic Range Finder…

    Thanks a lot.



    Dear All,
    Thanks a lot for your reply… you were right…the checksum was wrong… I calculated again the checksum and now it ‘is working… a couple of other questions… the first one is: “What the markable options in the bottom of the wifi ATR GUI (i.e. N/A, Relay 1, Relay 2, Relay 3, Relay 4) are for?
    The seond one is… how i can use the sensor? i mean how I can tell to the robot to stop accordingly to the sensor value? If I am not wrong the arduino code already enables the sensor… which is the values transmitted by the rover if an obstacle is present?


    Dear All,
    Thanks a lot for your reply… I’m able to communicate with the robots using a simple tcp client implemented in python… sending the bytes showed in the wifiATR Debug Window when the “Data COM” option is checked, i can see the lights blinking and I obtain a reply from the robot (in the TCP client)… but when i try to send the bytes for moving forward (i.e., [53][44][52][FE][7F][00][80][00][7E][00][00][02][FA]) nothing happens… I’m thinking that is because i have to enable the driving as is done in the wifiATR when the “drive enable” button is checked… how i can do that? If i look the wifi atr debug window when the “enable drive” action is checked i can’t see any changes in the transmitted bytes… Any ideas?

    Thanks a lot.

    Best Regards,


    Thanks a lot for the info!! I’ll ceck the arduino forum then…

    Very useful!!



    Thanks a lot for your reply!!

    Is there any starting point code? or a template?

    Thanks a lot.



    Thanks a lot for your reply… i fixed it following the links suggested in an old discussion (…

    “To be more specific, only downloading the suggested SlimDX Runtime is not enough to get the proper files needed for WiFi ATR to work. The SlimDX SDK needs to be installed to get the proper dependencies in order.

    SlimDX can be found here:
    SlimDX SDK here:”

    Thanks a lot.


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