National Geographic – Serengeti Lion Project – The Robot

National Geographic’s photographer Michael “Nick” Nichols and videographer Nathan Williamson commissioned one of our robots as part of the Serengeti Lion Project. Nichols is an award-winning photographer who has traveled the world and shot many features for National Geographic. National Geographic spoke to Nichols about his work and what it was like to spend intimate moments with African lions.

In the multimedia presentation Nichols and Williamson re-create eh feast and famine of the plains; the purring, bleating, and roaring of these cats; the fragile balance of lion survival. It’s only a slight exaggeration to say that Nichols learned to think like a lion, to game their moves, and to phtograph them with an intimacy that comes from an undisguised feeling of kinship.

– National Geographic Magazine

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National Geographic
IEEE Spectrum


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