These are older videos that got lost over time. Just compiled them and put them up onto YouTube.
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These are older videos that got lost over time. Just compiled them and put them up onto YouTube.
We are working on a new mining robot. This is the prototype. The final version will have a different...
This custom robot is being built to explore abandoned mine tunnels. The tunnels may be flooded with water so...
SuperDroid Robots tactical robots provide first responders with a quick, easy assessment of dangerous situations from a safe, remote...
SuperDroid Robots has finished the remote control snow blower! After the press from last years remote control snow plow,...
Autonomous Programmable ROS SLAM Tracked Robot SuperDroid Robots ROS SLAM Robot is a development platform designed to demonstrate the...
SuperDroid Robots just went to NI week in Austin Texas. During the event SuperDroid Robots released the SD6 Industrial...
This new 4WD chassis is the same chassis we have been using for our WiFi Linux Server Robot. After...
We are going to start making schematics. Here is one of our most popular ones MLT-JR.
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