Tech Thursday

When you want to take your robot wireless but want to take it a step past R/C, an xBee is a prime candidate. The system works over 2.4GHz, similar to WiFi but what it provides is a simple wireless serial bridge. Meaning you can send a packet to the module and it’ll appear at the outputs of all xBees on that network. You don’t have to worry about subnets and IP addresses or any other networking fundamentals, just simple serial communication.

xBee Arduino ATR

System Design: The Remote

The first step is to design our system. To keep things simple, we’ll have our remote use an Arduino Uno (MCU-050-000) for our microcontroller, an xBee pro (TE-204-AWI) for our radio and a Wireless SD Shield (MCU-064-000) to connect the two together. We’ll also need a joystick to direct the robot. For this project I used our 2-Axis Joystick (TE-128-002).


System Design: The Robot

For the robot side, we’ll need the same control scheme, but instead of taking in analogs and sending out data we will be listening to our data stream and sending commands to a motor.


The Code

The majority of the code will largely be a derivative of the Arduino Serial to Serial code from Tech Thursday #005 (Blog Post) (GitHub). However, we’re going to take this a bit further and apply it.

The Code: Remote


xBee Remote Example
Author: Jason Traud
SuperDroid Robots
May 7th, 2015

This code uses an Arduino Uno to transmit a basic robot command packet


// Analog Input Variables
int FB;     // Forward and Back
int LR;     // Left and Right

// Temporary variables used in calculations
double tempFB, tempLR, tempSpin;

// Transmitted packet
byte byteFB;
byte byteLR;
byte Digital1;
byte checksum;

// Reverse bits
bool revA0 = 1;  // These are used to easily flip
bool revA1 = 0;  // the direction of the joystick

// Misc variables
int deadband = 5; 

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);   // COM to xBee 

void loop() {
  reinitVars();		// nulls out temporary variables
  captureData();	// retrieves new data
  packetizeData();	// assembles data to be sent
  transmitData();       // send data off to xBee
  //debugData();        // print out formatted debug data
  delay(20);	// Delay needed for consistent communication

// Reinitialize temporary variables
void reinitVars() {
  Digital1 = 0;	
  tempFB = 0;
  tempLR = 0;

// Retrieve analog input data and conform to specs
void captureData() {
  FB = analogRead(A0);
  LR = analogRead(A1);

  // Reverse input analogs if flagged
  if (revA0)	{ FB = 1024 - FB; }
  if (revA1)	{ LR = 1024 - LR; }

  // The switch is towards the joystick (full speed)
  tempFB = map(FB, 0, 1024, -126, 126);	
  tempLR = map(LR, 0, 1024, -126, 126);
  if ((tempFB > (0 - deadband)) && (tempFB < deadband) )	
  { tempFB = 0; }
  if ((tempLR > (0 - deadband)) && (tempLR < deadband) )	
  { tempLR = 0; } 


// Assembles data to be sent
void packetizeData() {

  // Shift analog data up so we have a range of
  // 0-255
  tempFB = tempFB + 127;
  tempLR = tempLR + 127;

  // Assemble the digital packet
  // Add status of switches to digital1 here
  // convert transmitted data to bytes
  byteFB = byte(tempFB);
  byteLR = byte(tempLR);

  // calculate checksum
  checksum = byteFB + byteLR + byte(Digital1);

// xBee Communication
void transmitData() {  

// Print out values for easy debugging
void debugData() {
  Serial.print("[FB: ");  Serial.print(byteFB, HEX);          Serial.print("]");
  Serial.print("[LR: ");  Serial.print(byteLR, HEX);          Serial.print("]");
  Serial.print("[D1: ");  Serial.print(byte(Digital1), BIN);  Serial.print("]");

The Code: Robot


xBee Robot Example
Author: Jason Traud
SuperDroid Robots
May 7th, 2015

This code uses an Arduino Uno mounted on an ATR platform. 
The robot commands a single Sabertooth motor controller.

The goal of this firmware is provide control of the robot over an
xBee interface

Motor Controller:
Sabertooth Dual 25A Motor Driver (TE-091-225)


#include "Arduino.h"	// Arduino

// Since the Arduino is limited in the amount of serial COMs it has,
// we will control the motor controller over a software Serial port
SoftwareSerial SWSerial(2, 3); // RX on pin 2 (unused), TX on pin 3 (to S1).
Sabertooth ST(128, SWSerial); // Address 128, and use SWSerial as the serial port.

// Networking related RAM
bool sdrFound = false;		// Master Flag for SDR
bool sFound = false;		// Flag for SDR
bool dFound = false;		// Flag for SDR
bool rFound = false;		// Flag for SDR

// Recieved RAM
byte byteFB;
byte byteLR;
byte Digital1;
byte checksum;

// Define RAM
byte Bad_Tx;
word No_Tx = 0;

// Used for timeouts
unsigned long currentTime;
unsigned long timeOfLastGoodPacket = 0;

// Sets up our serial com, hardware pins, etc
// RETURNS: Nothing
void setup() {
  delay(2000);           // Short delay to allow the motor controllers
                         // to power up before we attempt to send it commands.
  Serial.begin(9600);      // xBee
  SWSerial.begin(9600);    // Serial for the motor controller
  allStop();		// Make sure all motors are stopped for safety

// This is our main program loop and is wrapped in an implied while(true) loop.
// RETURNS: Nothing
void loop() {
  currentTime = millis();
  processSerial();     // Handle incoming data from xBee
  timeout();           // Stop the robot if we lost connection

// Sets the speed of all motor controllers to zero and sets all ESTOPs
void allStop() {
  ST.motor(1,0);  // Zero motors

// Here we're trying to find our start bytes. We have a flag for each of the 
// three bytes (SDR) and we raise the flag as they are found in sequence. If
// the next letter is not found, all of the flags are cleared and we start over.
// Once we have our flags we wait until we have the expected size of the packet
// and then we process the data
void processSerial() {
  unsigned char inputBufferTemp;
  byte chksumTest;

  // Wait for serial
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {

    if (!sFound) {
      inputBufferTemp =;
      if(inputBufferTemp == 0x53) { sFound = true; } 
      else { sFound = false; dFound = false; rFound = false; sdrFound = false; }
    if (!dFound) {
      inputBufferTemp =;
      if(inputBufferTemp == 0x44) { dFound = true; } 
      else { sFound = false; dFound = false; rFound = false; sdrFound = false; }
    if (!rFound) {
      inputBufferTemp =;
      if(inputBufferTemp == 0x52) { rFound = true; sdrFound = true;} 
      else { sFound = false; dFound = false; rFound = false; sdrFound = false; }

    if (sdrFound && (Serial.available()  > 3 )) {
      // store bytes into the appropriate variables
      byteFB    =;
      byteLR    =;
      Digital1  =;
      checksum  =;
      // Clear flags
      sdrFound = false;
      sFound = false; 
      dFound = false; 
      rFound = false;
      // Calculate our checksum
      chksumTest = byteFB + byteLR + Digital1;
      // Compare our calculated checksum to the expected
      if (chksumTest != checksum) {	
      // We found a good packet, so set current time
      timeOfLastGoodPacket = currentTime;

// We need to be cautios of data connection losses. Here we are comparing 
// the current time and when we recieved our last good packet. If a second
// has passed then we need to stop our motors
void timeout() {
  if (currentTime > (timeOfLastGoodPacket + 1000)) {
    timeOfLastGoodPacket = currentTime;


#techthursday #arduino #xbee #sabertooth


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