SuperDroid started the topic Controlling 24V wheel chair motors with a 36V battery in the forum General Robot Discussion Topics 8 years, 5 months ago
A customer recently asked the following via email:
Comments: – Hi, I was wondering if you could recommend the best approach for my situation. I’m wanting to use a single 36V battery to power my RC lawn mower, which includes two blade motors and the two wheel motors. The blade motors are rated for 50V, but I believe the wheel motors (from a…[Read more]
SuperDroid started the topic Controlling 24V wheel chair motors with a 36V battery in the forum General Robot Discussion Topics 8 years, 5 months ago
A customer recently asked the following via email:
Comments: – Hi, I was wondering if you could recommend the best approach for my situation. I’m wanting to use a single 36V battery to power my RC lawn mower, which includes two blade motors and the two wheel motors. The blade motors are rated for 50V, but I believe the wheel motors (from a…[Read more]
SuperDroid replied to the topic 4wd lawnmower build in the forum Mechanical Design 8 years, 5 months ago
jsteed, we sell the motor mount tubes and motor plates for the IG52 motors. They allow you to mount the motor and a 5/8″ bearing. It will be up to you to find a way to mount them to the lawnmower chassis.…[Read more]
SuperDroid replied to the topic 4wd lawnmower build in the forum Mechanical Design 8 years, 5 months ago
Corey, it really comes down to whether you value speed or power more. We use the 285s in ours (tires are ~8″) and it’s definitely not too fast. If you’ll be driving in tall grass/rough terrain the extra torque might be useful.
SuperDroid replied to the topic 4wd lawnmower build in the forum Mechanical Design 8 years, 5 months ago
Corey, it’s really comes down to whether you value speed or power more. We use the 285s in ours (tires are ~8″) and it’s definitely not too fast. If you’ll be driving in tall grass/rough terrain the extra torque might be useful.
SuperDroid replied to the topic 4wd lawnmower build in the forum Mechanical Design 8 years, 5 months ago
We don’t sell a direct drive shaft for an IG52 motor and a 6″ tire. We can make them for you if you’d like though if you send us a request through our contact form:
Just let us know how many. It will be the same dimensions as this one but with a 6 inch…[Read more]
SuperDroid wrote a new post 8 years, 5 months ago
Technical Thursday #042
We appreciate robots that have a broad range of applications while being effective in their assigned task. Reliability and precision is key when designing a line following robot, and we
SuperDroid replied to the topic Sabertooth error light keeps turning on. Bad performance in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 5 months ago
Glad to hear the noise issue is resolved. Although, the output of the Sabertooth shouldn’t spike to 65V since it can’t amplify the battery voltage. I would make sure this isn’t the case since you ordered 24V motors. If everything is running properly and your motors haven’t burn up by now, I’d imagine you’re in the clear.
SuperDroid replied to the topic Sabertooth error light keeps turning on. Bad performance in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 5 months ago
My recommendation is the following:
– Any ground wire currently connected to your Sabertooth ground needs to be disconnected. This is unnecessary since they already share the battery ground.
– Disconnect your Sabertooth from the motors and make sure there is -24V and 24V at max forward and reverse.
– Use shielded wires instead of speaker…[Read more]SuperDroid replied to the topic Sabertooth configuration in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 5 months ago
The same code can be used to control the 2×32; the main difference is in the dip switch settings. Here is a link to the datasheet: The dip switch settings for serial mode are on page 23. To summarize:
– Put switches to 1 and 2 down for serial mode
– Switch 3 down if you’re…[Read more]SuperDroid started the topic Sabertooth configuration in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 5 months ago
A Customer Recently asked.
Previously, we had purchased a Sabertooth 25A Motor Driver, but more recently we purchased lower RPM motors and the 32A driver. We configured it with the same dipswitch settings as our 25A driver, but we can’t get the motors to drive with the Sabertooth library that works fine with the 25A driver.
A live…[Read more]
SuperDroid replied to the topic Sabertooth error light keeps turning on. Bad performance in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 5 months ago
The file size of your picture is too large to post. If you send your picture to sdr at with your order number, I’d be happy to address your problem here on the forum.
SuperDroid replied to the topic Sabertooth error light keeps turning on. Bad performance in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 5 months ago
The file size of your picture is too large to post. If you send your picture to with your order number, I’d be happy to address your problem here on the forum.
SuperDroid replied to the topic Connector for battery charger in the forum Product Questions 8 years, 5 months ago
Also please be sure to look over our support pages replied to the topic Connector for battery charger in the forum Product Questions 8 years, 5 months ago
Just cut the XLR connector off and use the Anderson connectors we provided with robot kits to charge the batteries. The SLA batteries are more tolerant to a unbalanced load for charging. You can charge the two battles in series. It will top off both batteries. The 12V xBee draw is minimal compared to the 24V motor draw. The xBee does not take…[Read more]
SuperDroid replied to the topic IG 52 encoder Poles Per Turn in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 5 months ago
SuperDroid replied to the topic Wheels harder and apply Teach Tune Mode on all motors in the forum General Robot Discussion Topics 8 years, 5 months ago
Make sure there are only two total encoders for your whole system with no mechanical binds. Also, make sure the motors (right side and left side) are wired in parallel on each side to their respective controller port. It would probably be beneficial to search through the Dimension Engineering site for more information about the Kangaroo setup.
SuperDroid replied to the topic Wiring a potentiometer in line with joystick in the forum Electrical & Controls 8 years, 5 months ago
Okay so hopefully I’m understanding your question correctly. It sounds like you are getting incorrect readings from your pot when connected to your power rail? If this is the case, measure the resistance of each side of your pot with respect to the center terminal while moving the joystick. If the values don’t add up, you either have a bad pot or…[Read more]
SuperDroid replied to the topic Connector for battery charger in the forum Product Questions 8 years, 6 months ago
The mating plug is a female XLR. Since they are so bulky, we don’t install them on our robots. The best way is to just cut the 3 pin connector off of the charger and create a solution from the 2 wires.
SuperDroid wrote a new post 8 years, 6 months ago
We are going to start making schematics.
Here is one of our most popular ones MLT-JR.- Load More