Dave replied to the topic SDC2130 control via PWM with encoder closed loop control problem in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 6 months ago
Ok, so I think it’s working now. It’s now providing a constant speed under different loads to the motor gear output shaft. :)
I spent some more time reading through that huge document “Roboteq Controllers User Manual v18” and on pg 123 found some “strt-up steps for closed loop speed control (attached). Following those instructions I saw that…[Read more]
Dave replied to the topic SDC2130 control via PWM with encoder closed loop control problem in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 6 months ago
Ok, I thought I could calculate the PPR by 84 (gear reduction) * 5 (PPR)= 420 PPR on the geared motor output shaft, but when I tested it, the counter in the RoboteQ showed ~1,600. (attached) Any idea why my calculation and reality were so far off?
Continuing, I entered 1600 in Encoder 1, Pulses/Rev and the motor this time slowly sped up until it…[Read more]
Dave replied to the topic SDC2130 control via PWM with encoder closed loop control problem in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 6 months ago
Hello, thank you for the information. I have two quick questions of clarification:
1.”max RPM of your motor” do you mean the geared output or the motor shaft that’s connected to the encoder? I think you mean the motor shaft connected to the encoder. From the datasheet of the motor should I use Max RPM of 5600 or no load max RPM 7000 (please see…[Read more]Dave replied to the topic SDC2130 control via PWM with encoder closed loop control problem in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 6 months ago
Thank you, that’s especially good to know about the software update to fix that bug. That could have been bad.
I’ve updated the software after downloading the files from RoboteQ’s SDC21xx website and then set my motor operation to “Closed Loop Speed” (please see attached). Do you have any suggestions on how to tune the PID and the other set…[Read more]
Dave replied to the topic SDC2130 "Digital Out" in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 6 months ago
OK so I found more information in “Roboteq Controllers User Manual v18” pg 45 that seams to confirm what I described in the above post.
I would post a link to the manual mentioned above, but the forum software doesn’t appear to like that.
Dave started the topic SDC2130 "Digital Out" in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 6 months ago
Ok, so I think I’ve figured this one out, but I just want to double check.
The “Digital Out”s (DB15 P1 & P9) don’t actually OUTput anything, but are rather programmable switches so that you can connect an outside positive voltage from your motor battery, run it through a relay like on pg 5 of the manual and into the DB P1 or P9 (Digital Out…[Read more]
Dave replied to the topic SDC2130 control via PWM with encoder closed loop control problem in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 6 months ago
When using encoders, please keep PIn1, PIn2, PIn5, and PIn6 disabled.
Thank you. I connected everything for one motor and I am able to control the motor using PWM (Digital P3) and read the encoder. (Please see attached pictures.) However, I’m still unsure if the Encoders should be selected as “Command” or “Feedback” to make sure the motor…[Read more]
Dave replied to the topic SDC2130 control via PWM with encoder closed loop control problem in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 6 months ago
So the good news is that D2 is no longer putting out a PW value. The bad news is that I don’t know why it stopped and can’t repeat the bug.
Dave replied to the topic SDC2130 control via PWM with encoder closed loop control problem in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 6 months ago
Attached are the Digital pin input configurations
Dave replied to the topic SDC2130 control via PWM with encoder closed loop control problem in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 6 months ago
Yes, both encoders are disabled. I had enabled them and then disabled them earlier today. Please see the attached picture.
Is it possible to use the encoders and then use digital channel 3+ for the PWM input?
Regarding interfacing with RoboteQ motor controllers through USB, do you have any more information on how to do this? It’s not…[Read more]Dave started the topic SDC2130 control via PWM with encoder closed loop control problem in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 6 months ago
I’m trying to figure out the best way to control the SDC2130s that I bought and wanted to try controlling them via PWM since RS232 is going to require ordering a new cable. I have a Micro Maestro 6-Channel USB Servo Controller (Pololu item #: 1350) and I was able to connect SDC2130s’ DB15 P4 data and P5 GND (SDC2130 manual pg 7) to Maestro…[Read more]Dave replied to the topic Serial connection between an Arduino and Roboteq SDC2130 in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 6 months ago
Thank you for your quick reply. Looks like I’ll need to order your DB9 Rs232 To TTL cable MCU-026-072 (or is there a more appropriate one?). Meanwhile, regarding enabling the encoders (question 3). There are two different options for enabling the encoders and two boxes that can be checked. Does it matter which option or if any of the…[Read more]
Dave replied to the topic Serial connection between an Arduino and Roboteq SDC2130 in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 6 months ago
Hello, I’m also trying to get that exact same demo code working as well, but I’m confused on a couple of points.
1. Do you need to use the “DB9 Rs232 To TTL cable MCU-026-072” or can you connect the SDC2130 directly to the Arduino? Could you please share the schematic for a direct connection?
2. The example code mentioned above states that the…[Read more]Dave replied to the topic SDC2160 Hook-up; info on "PwrCtrl"? in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 7 months ago
Thank you, do you know how much current can be drawn form Digital out? I’m hooking it up to control a relay like they show on page 5 so I’m assuming that it’s at least 500 mA and I’m guessing the same voltage that PwrCtrl is given?
Thanks again for your help.
Dave started the topic SDC2160 Hook-up; info on "PwrCtrl"? in the forum Electrical & Controls 6 years, 7 months ago
SDC2160 Hook-up; info on “PwrCtrl”?
I’ve read the datasheet and it doesn’t give any information about the voltage levels or current required for operation. See page 4 of the datasheet.
Dave became a registered member 6 years, 7 months ago