Mini-IPS Robot

Our newest robot is an autonomous programmable robot that uses an Indoor Positioning System (IPS), the Mini-IPS Robot.

This programmable autonomous robot can be controlled via a Gamepad or used as an autonomous robot. Equipped with a BeagleBone Black (Rev C) running Ubuntu 16.04, it allows for quick and easy changes to the firmware and provides the most flexible platform possible. The Programmable robot can be controlled wirelessly over its own WiFi router. The Asus 3-In-1 Wireless Router can also be configured as a bridge and by doing so allows it to be an extension of your home or office network. This gives extended range and the option to control the robot from anywhere in the world with an internet connection if you configure port forwarding.

What is IPS? Indoor navigation positioning system (IPS) is like a GPS for indoor environments designed to provide high-precision location data to autonomous robots. An IPS system consists of at least two stationary beacons, one or more mobile beacons, software interface, and a central modem. Together, the system creates a global coordinate frame automatically. The IPS provides the robot’s current location precisely to +-2cm and the software interface provides the way-points that the robot travels. The modem uses radio-frequency to communicate to the beacons.

The MarvelMind Indoor Positioning System (IPS) allows indoor autonomous navigation by providing the robot a global coordinate frame. The (optional) Scanse Sweep 2D LiDAR allows the robot to perform obstacle detection and avoidance. These devices, when used together, provide full autonomy to the robot.

The open chassis and platform design allows for unsurpassed flexibility for your needs, research, and/or design project. This allows for quick and easy addition and replacement of sensors and controls.

View the Mini-IPS Robot and other related pages at our online shop

If you are in the market for an Autonomous robot kit, SuperDroid Robots can design a solution just for you. contact us to begin the conversation.


The video below was produced by SuperDroid Robots and demonstrates the Mini-IPS using the autonomous WiFi capabilities that programmatically control the robot.


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