Jerome Lowery replied to the topic ONE LAST TRY to stabilize a platform. in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 7 months ago
Thank you very much.
I really appreciate your help.Jerome Lowery started the topic ONE LAST TRY to stabilize a platform. in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 7 months ago
If I get a Arduino Uno along with a ADXL345 – Triple-Axis Accelerometer
Can I use these 2 objects to keep the top platform of a robot on a level plane no matter the angle of the base of the robot?
( 1 axis only )
Also, how difficult is the Arduino to program. I have 0 experience on programing this device.
And last thing, if anyone can suggest…[Read more]Jerome Lowery started the topic Some basic HELP PLEASE! I'm getting crazy! in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 9 months ago
Trying to build a variable speed motor control. 12v dc. (Automobile power window motor.)
Purchased a HiLetgo 12V-40V 10A PWM DC Motor Speed Controller CVT Speed Switch Module.
It worked for a while, then it said SNAP, then quit working.
I saw a video of a guy that made his own controller. ( Now I can’t find it. )
Luckily I did sketch the layout I…[Read more]Jerome Lowery started the topic I hope my last request. Programming and wiring. in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 9 months ago
I saw a YouTube video that is exactly I need to do my project.
It has am Arduino UNO, a SyRen 10A regenerative motor driver.
It has a breadboard between them with a Potentiometer on it.
If anyone would know the exact wiring diagram it would help greatly.
What I real need is the code to run the Arduino…[Read more]Jerome Lowery replied to the topic Arduino UNO output info! PLEASE! in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 9 months ago
Information overload.
I never dreamt there was that many options out there.
I will definitely check all the above out.
Thank you for your help!
JeromeJerome Lowery started the topic Arduino UNO output info! PLEASE! in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 9 months ago
Arduino UNO output info! PLEASE!
Does a Arduino UNO have enough output voltage and amperes to trip a standard automotive 12v dc relay?
If not what do I need to trip the relay.
I am looking to control multiple relays (4) that would carry higher volts and amps to control a 12 v dc motor.
If the UNO does not have that capability, what would you…[Read more]Jerome Lowery replied to the topic RECOMMENDATIONS from the experts. in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 9 months ago
Being a beginner I need to research as to what would be best for my application.
I really appreciate your help!
Thank you for the response.Jerome Lowery started the topic RECOMMENDATIONS from the experts. in the forum Electrical & Controls 5 years, 9 months ago
I need some help on a gyroscope.
I am looking for a single axis gyroscope.
I would like to have one that has adjustable sensitivity.
I don’t extreme sensitivity, I need just the opposite.
Something very basic.
Looking to make a project for a self leveling object.
Any and all help & recommendations are appreciated
Thank You.Jerome Lowery started the topic Desperately need HELP on gearing ! in the forum Mechanical Design 5 years, 9 months ago
This is my first attempt do anything like this.
Looking for help without re-inventing the wheel.
My problem is that I need some sort of way to reduce the output RPM out to a devise.
I believe I will need some sort of adjustable frame to hold the gearing of different and multiple diameters.
I think I need the final output to be as low as 1/4 to 1…[Read more]Jerome Lowery became a registered member 5 years, 9 months ago